
To get rid of body fat, modern aesthetic medicine offers a number of effective methods to fight obesity. One of these innovations is the ultrasonic cavitation, aimed at destroying fat cells and cellulite. Ultrasonic cavitation: what it is, is there any effect of the procedure for losing weight and eliminate cellulite, what is the results of liposuction of the face and body, all of this further in our material.
The method:
Recent years, cavitation (or ultrasonic liposuction) is one of the most popular treatments offered in cosmetology. In aesthetic medicine technique is used relatively recently – about five years earlier, its use is well-established in dentistry, the treatment of kidney diseases and even surgery. The procedure is performed with ultrasound cavitation. The decrease and elimination of "orange peel" requires a different ultrasound frequency , so the machine has several modes. The method consists in influence of ultrasound on subcutaneous fat. In the liquid contained in the fatty tissue under the effect of cavitation is formed a flow of air bubbles. When exposed to ultrasound, the flow moves into the zone of high pressure, where the bubbles collapse, damaging the membranes of fat cells .
In tearing the bubbles released significant amounts of energy (one centimeter is not less than one hundred calories). The released fats are excreted metabolic by most of them out through the lymphatic system, and less than 10 percent is absorbed into the blood, where transformered into glucose. It should be noted that the cavitation destroyed the largest fat cells, making the technique indispensable for the fight against cellulite. The destruction affects only fat cells, the remaining tissue not subjected to ultrasonic impact due to the high elasticity. The efficacy and benefits The effectiveness of the technique can be seen already after the first session: the volume of the treated area decreases from 1 to 3 cm; disappears tuberosity of the skin, characterized by defeat cellulite; restores skin tone.
The advantages of ultrasonic liposuction procedure include the most popular methods of correction: absolute painlessness; there is no need in the hospitalization and anesthesia; the lack of scars; no risk of infection; the duration of the preservation of the achieved results. Exposure Cavitation is not used for the correction in the 2nd and 3rd stages of obesity, the highest efficiency was observed for the impact on local deposits. Depending on the type of shape, fatty "traps" can be placed on arms, back, waist, lower abdomen, buttocks and thighs . In addition, ultrasound can be used to eliminate the double chin. The procedure gives excellent results in eliminating cellulite, so it's often used for exposure in areas predisposed to the formation of "orange peel" . Not recommended to be cavitation over half of the area of the body in order to avoid excess stress on the organs of the excretory system.
Testimony Ultrasound is ideal for: eliminate cellulite; reduction of local fat; correction results after surgical liposuction; removal of Wens and lip. Contraindications Like any hardware technique, cavitation is contraindicated in a number of States. Even the tattoo on the treated area can become a hindrance to the procedure.
For some diseases the cavitation is not recommended or to do with precautions : ( Refer to FAQ )
How is Before you begin a course of treatments, you need to prepare your body for the mass release of triglycerides – the basics of fat cells. It is necessary to observe several simple recommendations. Recommendations in preparing for the procedure: Three days before the session you should completely refuse from alcohol and reduce fatty foods in your daily diet. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of pure water per day. On the eve of session drinking large amounts of carbonated water is simply necessary – the liquid will help to accelerate the decay products. The procedure starts by identifying and marking problem areas . The skin in this area is processed by a special tool for tight junction head of the ultrasonic device to the skin. Specialist affects the treatment area, carry out the movement along the massage lines in the direction of the lymph nodes. Each session lasts from thirty minutes to one hour during this period of time you can handle two small area. To complete the process you must massage for drainage of decay products in the ways of outflow of lymph. You can use the manual or the hardware lymphatic drainage massage. The procedure is absolutely painless, if you experience any discomfort, the session must end. After ultrasonic liposuction, the skin is left residue (bruises, redness, irritation). Recommendations after the session Experts recommend to follow some rules to achieve sustainable results:
Three weeks after the session you should refrain from consuming alcohol; it is necessary to drink two liters daily of clean water; you should limit the consumption of fried and high carbohydrate foods; recommended twice a week to perform self-massage of the treated area; physical exercise after each session will enhance the effectiveness of the procedure; it is advisable to combine cavitation with its attendant lipolytic procedures. These best practices will allow you to obtain a pronounced effect from non-surgical liposuction and save it for a long time.
Course duration: Another important point — how often can I do the cavitation? The cavitation sessions are recommended once every seven to ten days. Over a period of time, the body has time to completely withdraw the contents of the destroyed fat cells. Usually it is enough to 5 – 8 treatments to achieve good results in the fight against cellulite. For a noticeable reduction in the volume of the body may need up to 12 sessions .
What can be combined The combination of ultrasonic treatment with the corresponding procedures will allow you to see visible results after the first session. If you have decided to resort to ultrasound cavitation, the effect will become more apparent as the withdrawal from the body content of fat cells.